This year, many graduating Seniors were not able to fully celebrate their great achievements with family and friends. That’s why, here at the Wolf, we’ve teamed up with Wolfe Lighting in Rexburg and Idaho Falls in order to help out Graduating Seniors with our “Class of 2020 Bright Future” Contest!
We are giving away $100 and even $500 Visa Gift Cards to seniors that graduated this year in our area. This contest is open to all 2020 Graduating Seniors within the Wolf’s Broadcasting area. $100 prize winners will be chosen weekly and then announced on the air and 1 person will be chosen to win the $500 Grand Prize.
If you are a Graduating Senior this year and want to enter the contest, then fill out the below form and make sure to tell us about one thing that you’ve learned during your senior year that you will take with you into the future. It’s the Class of 2020 “Bright Future” Contest sponsored by Wolf Lighting and Accents in Rexburg and Idaho Falls.