The Snake River Radio Players have been blessed to call Trinity United Methodist Church in Idaho Falls our home since our first show in 2016. We are sad that due to COVID-19 concerns we aren’t able to be with them this year, but we still want to help support them and the good they do in our community. If you are able, we would encourage you to donate to Trinity UMC’s “day shelter” that serves the Idaho Falls homeless population and others in need.
Pastor Ruth of Trinity UMC had this to say about their work with the homeless shelter during this difficult year:
“Trinity is a safe, neutral, place with lots of unconditional love! We offer exceptional hospitality by providing meals as needed, [and] opportunities to do laundry, have a shower, talk with the pastor, receive encouragement for job hunting, and get referrals to community services. Guests can sometimes use a computer and there is always wifi access available. Trinity makes available informal case management (by the pastor or a social worker). We also provide limited financial help for things like bus tickets, medications, gasoline, camping supplies, clothing, state ID or driver’s license, medical copays, urgent care visits, bicycles & bicycle repair, phones with minutes or phone cards.”
We encourage you to visit www.tumcif.org/charity.html to donate to this great cause. On the site, you can securely donate through PayPal using your credit card.
If you prefer, you can mail a check to:
Trinity United Methodist Church
237 N. Water Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Checks should be written to Trinity UMC with a note in the memo line that the money is for Trinity’s Day Shelter.